A Look
From ECWolf Wiki
(Redirected from A LookEx)
A_Look [(int flags[, float minseedist[, float maxseedist[, float maxheardist[, float fov]]]])]
Causes the monster to check its field of vision for any targets.
- flags: Unused at the moment. Should be set to 0.
- minseedist: Minimum distance (in map pixels) the target must be from the actor in order for it to be seen.
- maxseedist: Maximum distance (in map pixels) the target can be from the actor for it to be able to see it.
- maxheardist: Maximum distance (in map pixels) the target can be from the actor and still be able to hear gun fire.
- fov: The field of vision for this call in degrees. Default is 180 degrees.
ECWolf implements A_LookEx as an alias of this function. This alias can be used if compatibility with ZDoom is desired.