A Chase

From ECWolf Wiki

A_Chase [(state melee[, state ranged[, int flags]])]

Standard monster AI function. Moves the monster according to the speed property.

  • melee: If set the monster will jump to the specified state when within the melee range of the target. Default is Melee.
  • ranged: If set the monster will have a chance of jumping to the specified state to perform a ranged attack. Default is Missile.
  • flags: Modifies the behavior of the function based on the following:
    • CHF_BACKOFF - Causes the actor to run away from the player if it gets too close.
    • CHF_DONTDODGE - Forces the actor to move orthogonally.
    • CHF_NOPLAYACTIVE - Disables the random change of playing the active sound.
    • CHF_NOSIGHTCHECK - Do not look for new targets.

Calling conventions

This function is used in two different ways: Either as a ticker function or as an action function. These are known as Wolfenstein-style and Doom-style respectively. When used as a ticker function the monster will be far more aggressive and move faster, but will move more smoothly. It is recommended, but not required, that you inherit from WolfensteinMonster if you use this method.

Wolfenstein style

actor ExampleGuard : WolfensteinMonster
   speed 3
     /* ... snip ... */
       GARD ABCD 6 NOP A_Chase

Doom style

actor ExampleGuard
   speed 8
     /* ... snip ... */
       GARD AABBCCDD 3 A_Chase